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Student Registration

Enrollment for the 2024/25 school year is now open for new student registration!

If your child is returning to CCSD, registration is open on July 22. If you need help with accessing a computer or the username & password, please call your school for further assistance.

Learn more at Student + Parents

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Teacher Portal

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Teacher Portal

Research-Based Instructional Strategies
New Research-Based Instructional Guidance from the New Mexico Public Education Department.
Click here:
Integrating Technology Strategies from the New Mexico Public Education Department
Click here:
Student Led IEPS
For a guidance document, click here:
Specialized Instruction
Special Education means "specially designed instruction" under the IDEA. Specially designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate to the needs of an eligible child…the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to: 1. Address the unique needs of the child that result from the child’s disability; and 2. Ensure access of the child to the general curriculum, so that the child can meet the standards that apply to all children. The focus of the work of special educators is to help students learn the same things that students in the regular classroom are learning.
For Academic Interventions, click here:
For Behavior Interventions, click here:
Special Ed Connection from LRP
This site contains a wealth of information on providing specialized instruction and the legalities of special education. It is a free professional development tool for employees of the district (Password Protected).  To access the site, click here:
Common Core State Standards
Common Core State Standards provide an excellent opportunity to close the achievement gap for students with disabilities. To visit the Common Core State Standards Teacher Portal, click here: