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Student Registration

Enrollment for the 2024/25 school year is now open for new student registration!

If your child is returning to CCSD, registration is open on July 22. If you need help with accessing a computer or the username & password, please call your school for further assistance.

Learn more at Student + Parents

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Library Use

  • The library is open continuously during the regular school day. Students may come from classes with a pass from the classroom teacher. If additional library time is needed, check with the librarian and special arrangements can be made.
  • When in the library, maintain a quiet environment so that others in the room may work undisturbed.
  • Return materials used while in the library to their proper place only if you are sure where to put them. All other used items may be stacked on the bookcases or tables.
  • All materials taken from the library must be checked out in your name. No one may check out books for someone else.
  • Check outs are generally limited to two items. More may be borrowed with permission from the librarian or teacher as needed for class requirements and leisure reading.
  • Check out time is two weeks. Return all checked out books to a book drop by the due date. Books may be renewed as many times as needed. No late fees will be charged.
  • You are responsible for all materials you check out. Lost or damaged items must be paid for.
  • Reference books may not be removed from the library.
  • Library computers are available strictly for educational use. Computer printing is allowed by permission only.
  • Independent use of the library is encouraged but the library assistants and librarian are available to help you with your library needs.

Library Computer and Internet Use

  • Computers are available for Internet, school software, OPAC, Microsoft Office
  • Students must have a Technology Use Agreement on file with the school before using the library computers.
  • Students are required to present their student ID card and sign in/out with the librarian.
  • Students should save material to a storage device (USB/flash drive) or their student network account folder.
  • Printing resources are limited and you must clear all printing with the librarians. In order to conserve resources, students will be charged $.05 for regular text pages and $.10 per web page, or graphic pages that they print out.
  • Students who do not comply with the above rules or the technology use policy as stated in the Tsé Bit’a’í Middle School 
  • Student/Parent Handbook may lose their library computer use privilege.